NFF Summer Roundup!

6 min readAug 31, 2022


Winter is coming…

Many mushrooms can be heard humming quietly in the back**

Hello FungiFam!

We hope all of you are feeling well during these times and enjoying the trip along with us. We have got quite a few things coming up in the pipe-line and we are excited to share what’s left to do for 2022! (and look back on 2022)

To start, we recently held a twitter space to do a roundup of what we’ve been working on in the past and what's underway currently.

(if you don’t have time to listen, please read the expanded notes below!)

  • FarFromOver and Fungoshi newsletters are still coming out each week. It’s an incredible contribution to our network so be sure to look out for it and share when you can. FarFromOver has also started developing an excellent idea called the Crypto calendar, it’s a great idea and tool for anyone in web3 and the CT space. To stay informed and take a peek, follow cryptocal_live on twitter for updates!
  • We have refocused our Instagram and TikTok channels (both @fungiblefungi). Be sure to stop by and like/share whenever you can! The strength of our network depends on getting the word out there and every like/comment and interaction matters. Shout out to Jess for her sterling efforts on our Insta page thus far!
  • The Latest Honorary went live! Developed in conjunction with Codingcoop, this is the 6th Honorary and is a real beaut! We are still taking suggestions for people to receive an honorary so let us know who you think should receive one in the near future! (our next 5 inductees are already in the pipeline for reference)
  • 2 more magics to go! Fruiting Fungi was released which was another amazing twist on the format from Elzie. The anticipation to see another Magic minted has never been higher…
  • We recently teamed up with Pokeraces and DNAverse to bring some more fun and collaborative opportunities to our holders, all the Genesis Holders each received the DNAFungi from ourselves and DNAverse, as for Pokeraces, look out for some possible Poker nights coming in the very near future along with AL spots for their upcoming project.
  • We gave some updates on our Token and the Website, all of which can be found at Also if you didn’t know, the bogs are alright! (just in-case you were worried)
  • Conjuring, while some projects have chosen to halt development due to market conditions, NFF decided that the community base was strong enough to allow us to shift to a market agnostic model — Conjuring will go ahead and endure any market condition based on a strong foundation of community collaboration and art appreciation. We’ve gone a little deeper on the Conjuring below so read on to get the details!
Fruiting Fungi, Fruiting away.

And finally — we announced a few new community initiatives.

We are developing an AI art crossover experiment and will be inviting a small number of the community to create and share art using some of the latest AI art technology. Look out for the channel coming soon to register your interest!

2. The Bog Ball
Remember dancing Eddie? A new competition coming soon will be for you to ShroomTrack this dance — meaning you will have the chance to submit what song you think Eddie is officially dancing to! Either make a TikTok, video or even just suggest a song — The best will win the most wonderful prize: The chance to have your own bog dance in the same way, made into a 1/1 NFT for you to own!

3. Shroomtracking Vol.1
As we approach our first year, we are going to ask the community to submit their favourite songs to go into a giant community playlist as a kind of time capsule for us all. We will then get it professionally curated, made into a nice flow and then shared back to the community. This playlist is live now and can be found here!

Young Dancing Edward.

Development Updates.

A few weeks ago we went back over the entire timeline of updates, notes and general comments on things we as a team said we would do and try and complete. As a team, we stay true to our word and delivering on all aspects is something we regard very highly.

CONJURING. Underway, targeted for October 🎃.
3D MODELS. Started, targeted for mid 2023.
APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT. Not started, targeted for after Phase 3 or 4.
TRUFFLE TRAVELLER. Underway, targeted very early 2023.
CONCEPT ART. No longer in development based on Polygon feedback.
10 FREE POLYGON AIRDROPS. Underway, 7 more due this year.
PROJECT P. Not started, external artist unavailable at present.
HONORARIES. Underway, targeted for this year.
A 3D ENVIRONMENT. Underway, no timeframes.

Work in progress or Evil in progress?

(if we missed anything tag Simms and let him know!)

The Conjuring!

With the Conjuring we always wanted several core functions. The ability to create life, the ability to take life away in return, community involvement, inclusivity (no matter how many shrooms you have) and above all — a means to have fun and do things with your shrooms!

What we designed was unique and a rather exquisite experience, but with that came unexpected complexities and a few short falls on inclusivity. Right now we are heads down working on this and the Litepaper will be with our Genesis Holders later this week for a seal of approval.

What we can share as of right now is…

  • Magics and Genesis will still be given special treatment.
  • A much more inclusive and robust setup that doesn’t depend on market conditions to thrive.
  • Shrooms will still need to be burnt in order to exchange for a conjured Nightshade (except gen/magics).
  • 3 Nightshades per day will be conjured meaning something is happening everyday for our holders for almost a year.
  • NFF will cover the cost of minting fees, holders just cover the transfer gas fees.
A nightshade with traits.

Right now this is all we have to share because we are targeting the release of the Litepaper next week with a soft launch on, or before, Halloween. We know this is what the community wants and we thank you for your patience, a few more weeks and hopefully your little shrooms will be holding hands and seeing what kind of concoctions can be summoned from the spores!

A changing of the guard.

As noted in Discord and on Twitter, Henry has decided to step away from the scene due to personal reasons and follow paths away from the Web3 space for the time being. We respect and support his decision and leave the door open should he choose to return at a later time next year. His incredible work helping to launch and establish Non Fungible Fungi remains undiminished and the foundations built behind the scenes to deliver Phase 3 (conjuring and our website 2.0) are already in play.

Jess will join the team in a slightly larger capacity leading the role of Event Manager, thus far the Gartic nights have gone down pretty well and we wish to double down on that moving forward! Expect some more competitions, potential for poker nights dependent on our partners and of return of the elusive Art events! (Halloween’s not far, right?)

Finally, we are hiring for a full time contracted Social media manager. We know we need someone to take it to the next level for us but we need the right person who knows us and the scene around us. You can contact Simms directly or email us if you for the below criteria for more info or to apply!

- Good understanding of NFTs and the demographic/community/vibe.
- Good understanding of Crypto Twitter.
- Good understanding of Internet Memes (extra points for NFT/crypto memes).
- Good understanding of community interaction and community building.
- A strong understanding of Twitter with some understanding of Instagram, Tiktok and other media outlets (and how all the #’s and algorithms work).

The Non-Fungible Fungi collective is a Kingdom of 10,100 unique 3D animated (and enchanted) Mushroom NFTs strolling through the Ethereum blockchain. Each Mushroom falls into 1 of 3 species, Magic, Mire-able and Bog (standard) with Magic being the rarest and Bog being the most common.

OpenSea | Discord | Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | TikTok




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