Non-Fungible Fungi Is Integrating Chainlink VRF to Distribute Verifiably Random Airdrops for 3D Animated NFT Projects.

5 min readOct 1, 2021


Shroom Shroom! The ‘Genesis’ collection of the first 100 Non-Fungible Fungi are available for minting this Friday, 1st of October, 2021 exclusively at TheFungi.App

Today we are excited to announce that Non-Fungible Fungi, the upcoming 3D animated NFT project, is integrating Chainlink Verifiable Random Function (VRF) on the Ethereum mainnet.

By integrating the industry-leading decentralized oracle network, the Non-Fungible Fungi collective will have access to a tamper-proof and auditable system that provides a source of randomness needed to fairly distribute airdropped Mushroom NFTs to their new respective owners. Creating a provably fair and fraud-proof user experience for the even distribution of 300 free unique 3D models attached to our Genesis Mushrooms was imperative to operating a trusted and secure ecosystem.

Who are the Non-Fungible Fungi?

The Non-Fungible Fungi are a kingdom of 10,100 unique 3D animated (and enchanted) Mushroom NFTs strolling through the Ethereum blockchain. The Non-Fungible Fungi is an elaborate and expansive project focusing on longevity, community and above all, providing a usable and highly desirable sought after NFT for both collector and project backer alike. The Non-Fungible Fungi have been designed from the ground up to make owning one fun for everyone — whether you’re an experienced crypto collector or someone who’s just starting out in NFTs we believe The Non-Fungible Fungi offers something for everybody.

A Magic Mushroom strolls its way around the Ethereum Blockchain.

What is Chainlink VRF and why do we use it

In order to ensure complete and secure fairness during our inaugural ‘Genesis Drop’ event, we need access to a secure random number generator (RNG) that any user can independently audit. After reviewing various solutions we selected Chainlink VRF because it’s based on cutting-edge academic research and supported by time-tested oracle infrastructure, secured through the generation and on-chain verification of cryptographic proofs that prove the integrity of each random number supplied to smart contracts.

The highly collectable Magic mushroom species drop at a 0.3% rarity rate from the pool of 10,000.

Chainlink VRF works by combining block data that is still unknown when the request is made with the oracle node’s pre-committed private key to generate both a random number and a cryptographic proof. The Non-Fungible Fungi smart contract will only accept the random number input if it has a valid cryptographic proof and the cryptographic proof can only be generated if the VRF process is tamper-proof. This provides our users with automated and verifiable assurances directly on-chain that all of our air dropped mushrooms are distributed in a provably fair manner that was not tampered with by the oracle, outside entities, or the Non-Fungible Fungi team in any way.

Chainlink VRF future uses

The Non-Fungible Fungi is an expansive project with a long term vision and long term goals for the future of its project and Mushroom adopters alike.

Drops, Charity Donations, Community activations, ERC-20 Token generation, A 3D interactive mushroom web application and the evolution of our Fungi are just a few of the checkpoints we have on the table for the road ahead.

Right now the scientist’s in the back at the Non-Fungible Fungi labs are working effortlessly trying to track down a little fellow known as the Truffle Traveller (they are good at hiding underground). When we have found enough of them we will once again be calling on the aid of Chainlink to help ensure the even and fair distribution of all drop-based scenarios (inducing the Travellers) and are delivered with the highest standards of security and accountability.

He may look a little different, but he’s still rather sweet.

Our dream has always been to create a studio level, 3D collectible NFT project that the community can trust and one where their excitement for the artwork is only rivalled by the industry-leading oracle technology involved. It has been an absolute priority for our team to ensure that users have immediate access to a tamper-proof, secure, and verifiable source of randomness while participating in any of our minting events, now or in the future.

Having been a Link Marine since their inception, there was only one option for us when it came to the distribution technology of the project. That was, of course, the time-tested oracles of Chainlink VRF which provide us with peace of mind when adopters are receiving their mushrooms!

We look forward to continuously scaling and evolving our universe with Chainlink’s verifiable random function as the trusted backbone of our distribution..

– HenryG, Business Development Manager, Non-Fungible Fungi

About Chainlink

Chainlink is the industry standard for building, accessing, and selling oracle services needed to power hybrid smart contracts on any blockchain. Chainlink oracle networks provide smart contracts with a way to reliably connect to any external API and leverage secure off-chain computations for enabling feature-rich applications. Chainlink currently secures tens of billions of dollars across DeFi, insurance, gaming, and other major industries, and offers global enterprises and leading data providers a universal gateway to all blockchains.

Learn more about Chainlink by visiting or read the documentation at To discuss an integration, reach out to an expert.

‘’When you feed mushrooms to a frog, you get toadstool!’’

Come and join the community!

The Non-Fungible Fungi collective is a kingdom of 10,100 unique 3D animated (and enchanted) Mushroom NFTs strolling through the Ethereum blockchain. Each Mushroom falls into 1 of 3 species, Magic, Mire-able and Bog Standard with Magic’s being the rarest and Bog’s being the most common. The Genesis Mushrooms provide us with the grandfather traits and from there we have a multitude of different traits ranging in both rarity and looks which make up the 10,000 generative collection.

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